1 - Decadência do todo-poderoso
Estou caindo da eternidade
Banido da minha sanidade
Esse é o meu único destino?
Minha elegia.
Abrace sua punição
e aprenda com seus erros
Algum dia você pode retornar
Procure a sabedoria
Nesta terra
Você deve lembrar nada
Eu sou uma vítima da minha própria
Memórias perdidas
Sonhos borrados
Não consigo lembrar de nada
O que é a vida depois de tudo?
Eu vou sobreviver a queda?
e voltar para confrontar meus inimigos?
Caos desordem, pânico e matança
Eu encontrei meu lugar
Para espalhar o ódio
Para espalhar a desgraça
Matando os bastardos
Exterminando a raça
Corrupção e ganância serão a semente
Para um mundo novo cheio de destruição
O inferno não está longe.
2 - Despertar
Meus primeiros passos na terra
A sabedoria dos deuses reduzida a pó
Escravo da carne
Estou pagando por pecados do passado?
3 - Longo Caminho para Lugar Nenhum
Feche seus olhos e ande na areia
Quem antes foi um deus agora é um homem
Deve se curvar para o medo e a fome
Para sofrer como a humanidade o deus deve estar vivo.
4 - Jornada pelo Escuro
Cruzei o deserto
Buscando minha alma
Lutei com honra
Até a queda
Muitos viveram
Muitos morreram
Eu vou abrir os céus
Sem medo na sua mente
Não pense sobre amanhã
Inferno e dor, terror combinados
Liderarei vocês seguirão
Vá embora
Porque não temos medo
Viver para a guerra
é morrer em graça
Aceite sua morte
O fraco não tem lugar
Esqueça seus medos
E pegue as armas
vamos fazê-los correr para sempre
Fundo em sua alma
Você sabe
Você foi feito para isso
Você vive
Para matar
5 - Abismo da morte
Quando acordar de manhã,
E toda dor se foi
Espero que ninguém esteja do meu lado
Estou onde pertenço
Escolha cuidadosamente seus caminhos
Seu futuro está prestes a chegar
Você não pode correr para sempre
Do seu destino
Posso ficar aqui para sempre
Encarando a mais sombria verdade
Se apenas eu pudesse me lembrar
Talvez não estivesse sozinho
Devo desistir e esquecer a luta
Nunca me senti tão sozinho
Apenas não consigo ver a luz
Será que sou o único
Como este mundo pode estar certo
Não consigo entender nada.
6 - Misantropia
Cuspo na sua face - sociedade
Onde crianças são estupradas por padres
E os idosos são tratados como merda
Não existe esperança para a humanidade
A única escolha é o extermínio
Completa aniquilação
o mundo jamais achará paz
Enquanto os pedaços quebrados
Desse quebra-cabeças deformado não estiver terminado
Não há tempo para perder
A matança deve começar agora.
A podre humanidade
está completamente perdida
Sem causa
Todos os homens bons foram embora
Não há guerra
Apenas covardes engatinhando no chão
Humanidade fraca
Juntem-se para morrer
Vejo o terror em seus rostos
Não há lugar para esconder
Sem futuro para a humanidade
É hora de morrer
O mundo está cheio de mentiras
A fonte está seca
Ninguém pode negar
Esse é o fim.
7 - Mente Flagelada
Para o amor e o ódio
Você não estará mais aqui
E a chuva irá cair
Lavando sua alma depois de tudo
Um último adeus à vida
Você teve o suficiente de lutas
Uma vez você foi jovem
Agora, o tempo passou
Tome o último passo
Tudo está certo
Não se preocupe com a sua vida
É o descanso eterno
O último passo afinal
Na sua mente sem medo
Porque o fim está próximo
Tão longa foi sua jornada
Através dos tempos antigos
Até um deus tem que dizer adeus
Sem mais traidores ou truques da vida
8 - Tintas de Sangue
Esse é o último levante
Lutem homens, lutem sob meu comando
Vocês vieram do inferno
Não há o que perder
Lutem até a morte
Não há trégua
A morte está chegando
Não há retorno
Lutem como bravos
Mande-os para a cova
Redenção os encontrará
Do outro lado
Noite após noite
Esperávamos para lutar
Agora é a hora
para fazer as coisas direito
Vamos fazer os pecadores
Pagarem com a vida
Sem rendição
Mate o defensor
Levante o inferno
Nenhum ferimento fatal
Vai me parar
Estarei fora da minha concha
Pronto para morrer
Deixando a vida mortal
Lute e mate
Morra com honra
Este é o meu último suspiro
Aproveite a vida
Bebendo até a morte
Eu vou ver todos vocês no inferno.
9 - Flash de Memórias
Agora me lembro de tudo
Os bastardos me baniram
E me fizeram insano
Vou voltar
E destruir todos
Vocês irão queimar no inferno
Estou voltando para casa afinal
Se você quer me derrotar
Tente seu melhor
Não há pário para mim
Você está morto certamente
Assim que eu voltar
Perdi tempo
Procurando por uma mentira
A resposta está nos céus
Tantos anos passaram
Terei minha vingança
O tempo acabou
Para vocês traidores
Ninguém deverá escapar
Sou um assassino de deuses
Vou terminar com essa falha
Estou de volta para matá-los todos.
10 - O Retorno ( Invadindo O Jardim )
O mesmo erro perpetuado
Eu ouço as cobras
Sussurando na minha mente
A moralidade desapareceu
Quero lutar
Mas um animal vive dentro de mim
Isso é tão quente
Isso é tão gostoso
Quero estar dentro de você
O que diabos está acontecendo?
A vida real é complicada
É díficil resistir
Tentação ao meu lado
A pureza é superestimada
O que você faz da vida
Não é problema meu
11 - Matança Doce
Não, sem remorso
Para aqueles que falharam
Dor não é o suficiente
Perdi minha confiança
Vocês serão esmagados
Debaixo do meu machado
O futuro é negro
Me livrei da maldição
Nenhum deus deve retornar
A esse templo de luxúria
Eu sou o único
A eternidade é minha
Sozinho no meu trono
sábado, 30 de julho de 2011
quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2011
Capa (Members) detalhada.
Traduções das frases escritas em runas.
Lado esquerdo(left):
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"
"Faça o que tu queres pois é tudo da lei"
* Aleister Crowley
Lado direito(right):
"Nada está parado, tudo se move, tudo vibra Tudo é duplo."
''Nothing Rests; Everything Moves; Everything Vibrates; Everything Is Dual.''
* Leis Herméticas (Hermetic Laws)
"Use every man after his desert, and who should scape whipping."
"Tratai cada homem segundo seu merecimento, e quem escapará à chibata?"
* Author: Shakespeare - Hamlet.
* My favourite Shakespeare passage
"Quando todo o mundo é corcunda, o belo porte torna-se a monstruosidade."
"Where the whole population is hunch-backed, a straight shape is the monstrosity."
* Author: Honoré Balzac
Lado esquerdo(left):
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"
"Faça o que tu queres pois é tudo da lei"
* Aleister Crowley
Lado direito(right):
"Nada está parado, tudo se move, tudo vibra Tudo é duplo."
''Nothing Rests; Everything Moves; Everything Vibrates; Everything Is Dual.''
* Leis Herméticas (Hermetic Laws)
"Use every man after his desert, and who should scape whipping."
"Tratai cada homem segundo seu merecimento, e quem escapará à chibata?"
* Author: Shakespeare - Hamlet.
* My favourite Shakespeare passage
"Quando todo o mundo é corcunda, o belo porte torna-se a monstruosidade."
"Where the whole population is hunch-backed, a straight shape is the monstrosity."
* Author: Honoré Balzac
segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2011
Ascension Of Ules (DETALHADO)
Ascension Of Ules é um álbum conceitual sobre um deus banido de um além totalmente corrupto, por ter honra e moral é enviado para a terra sem memória onde vaga até encontrar humanos.
A seguir uma descrição detalhada da estória música por música:
Ato I - Decadence Of Evil
1 - Decay Of The Almighty
A primeira música narra apenas a queda.
2 - Awakening
O nome da música já diz praticamente tudo, após a queda Ules acorda na China, por isso nessa música foi usado além de uma percussão voltada ao estilo de música oriental dois instrumentos bem diferentes, Erhu e Dizi.
3 - Long Way To Nowhere
Ules então se aventura pelo deserto de Gobi saindo da China e chegando a Europa.
4 - Journey Through The Dark
Finalmente chegando a Europa Ules encontra humanos pela primeira vez, envolve-se então em brigas e guerras entre os reinos, porém durante uma dessas batalhas é ferido mortalmente, a música marca o final do Ato I.
Ato II - Banned Pilgrim
5 - Abyss Of Death
Ainda sem memória, ferido, extremamente frustrado com a covardia de seus soldados, e com a falta de dignidade, lealdade dos reis, Ules procura abrigo para se recuperar.
6 - Misanthropy
Em fase de recuperação, e em profunda meditação chega à conclusão de que a raça humana deve ser exterminada.
7 - Flagellated Mind
Entre a vida e a morte recebe a visita da morte ( Jéssica Araújo ), porém por ser um deus a morte tenta convencê-lo a ir em paz.
* Tive o prazer de ter a linda voz de Jéssica Araújo nessa música.
8 - Bloodpaint
Sem dar ouvidos a morte à morte Ules começa a ter lembranças do além, porém apenas vagas memórias, ainda obstinado em exterminar a raça humana invoca um exército de demônios direto do inferno para devastar o planeta terra. Ules morre durante uma das batalhas.
A música encerra o ATO II.
Ato III - Ashes Of Divinity
9 - Flash Of Memories
Já morto relembra-se de tudo, a música narra a volta de Ules.
10 - The Return ( Invading The Garden )
Assim como em algumas culturas para essa estória considerei que a vida começou em um jardim, Ules ao voltar para o além invade o jardim onde a vida começou, lá encontra as ninfas e descobre o sexo.
11 - Sweet Killing
Em posse de suas memórias, muito mais poderoso devido os aprendizados adquiridos durante suas passagens Ules extermina todos os deuses corruptos.
12 - Vazio
A música encerra o álbum, descrevendo a submissividade do ser humano, condenando a ignorância e a curta memória de pessoas que cometem o mesmo erro repetidas vezes em um espaço muito curto de tempo.
*Essa música tem a participação de Sylvia e Cristiano Crespi.
A seguir uma descrição detalhada da estória música por música:
Ato I - Decadence Of Evil
1 - Decay Of The Almighty
A primeira música narra apenas a queda.
2 - Awakening
O nome da música já diz praticamente tudo, após a queda Ules acorda na China, por isso nessa música foi usado além de uma percussão voltada ao estilo de música oriental dois instrumentos bem diferentes, Erhu e Dizi.
3 - Long Way To Nowhere
Ules então se aventura pelo deserto de Gobi saindo da China e chegando a Europa.
4 - Journey Through The Dark
Finalmente chegando a Europa Ules encontra humanos pela primeira vez, envolve-se então em brigas e guerras entre os reinos, porém durante uma dessas batalhas é ferido mortalmente, a música marca o final do Ato I.
Ato II - Banned Pilgrim
5 - Abyss Of Death
Ainda sem memória, ferido, extremamente frustrado com a covardia de seus soldados, e com a falta de dignidade, lealdade dos reis, Ules procura abrigo para se recuperar.
6 - Misanthropy
Em fase de recuperação, e em profunda meditação chega à conclusão de que a raça humana deve ser exterminada.
7 - Flagellated Mind
Entre a vida e a morte recebe a visita da morte ( Jéssica Araújo ), porém por ser um deus a morte tenta convencê-lo a ir em paz.
* Tive o prazer de ter a linda voz de Jéssica Araújo nessa música.
8 - Bloodpaint
Sem dar ouvidos a morte à morte Ules começa a ter lembranças do além, porém apenas vagas memórias, ainda obstinado em exterminar a raça humana invoca um exército de demônios direto do inferno para devastar o planeta terra. Ules morre durante uma das batalhas.
A música encerra o ATO II.
Ato III - Ashes Of Divinity
9 - Flash Of Memories
Já morto relembra-se de tudo, a música narra a volta de Ules.
10 - The Return ( Invading The Garden )
Assim como em algumas culturas para essa estória considerei que a vida começou em um jardim, Ules ao voltar para o além invade o jardim onde a vida começou, lá encontra as ninfas e descobre o sexo.
11 - Sweet Killing
Em posse de suas memórias, muito mais poderoso devido os aprendizados adquiridos durante suas passagens Ules extermina todos os deuses corruptos.
12 - Vazio
A música encerra o álbum, descrevendo a submissividade do ser humano, condenando a ignorância e a curta memória de pessoas que cometem o mesmo erro repetidas vezes em um espaço muito curto de tempo.
*Essa música tem a participação de Sylvia e Cristiano Crespi.
Letras/Lyrics (2011) - Ascension Of Ules
1 - Decay Of The Almighty
I'm falling from eternity
Banned from my sanity
Is this my only destiny
My elegy
Embrace your punishment
And learn from your mistakes
One day you may return
Seek the wisdom
At this land
You shall remember nothing
Am I a victim of my own
Lost memories
Blurry dream
Can't remember anything
What's life after all ?
Will I survive the fall ?
And return to face my enemies
Chaos disorder panic slaughter
I've found my place
To spread hate
To spread disgrace
Killing the bastards
Exterminate the race
Corruption and greed will be the seed
To the new world full of destruction
Hell isn't far.
2 - Awakening
My first steps on earth
The wisdom of gods reduced to dust
Slave to the flesh
Am I paying for sins of the past.
3 - Long Way to Nowhere
Close your eyes and walk in the sand
Who once was a god now is a man
Shall bow to fear and hunger
To suffer as mankind the god must be alive.
I'm falling from eternity
Banned from my sanity
Is this my only destiny
My elegy
Embrace your punishment
And learn from your mistakes
One day you may return
Seek the wisdom
At this land
You shall remember nothing
Am I a victim of my own
Lost memories
Blurry dream
Can't remember anything
What's life after all ?
Will I survive the fall ?
And return to face my enemies
Chaos disorder panic slaughter
I've found my place
To spread hate
To spread disgrace
Killing the bastards
Exterminate the race
Corruption and greed will be the seed
To the new world full of destruction
Hell isn't far.
2 - Awakening
My first steps on earth
The wisdom of gods reduced to dust
Slave to the flesh
Am I paying for sins of the past.
3 - Long Way to Nowhere
Close your eyes and walk in the sand
Who once was a god now is a man
Shall bow to fear and hunger
To suffer as mankind the god must be alive.
4 - Journey Through The Dark
I crossed the desert
Seeking my soul
I fought with honour
Until the fall
Many men lived
Many men died
I'll open the skies
No fear in your mind
Don't think about tomorrow
Hell and pain, terror combined
I'll lead and you'll folow
Walk away
Because we're not affraid
Living for war
is to die in grace
Embrace your death
The weak has no place
Forget your fears
And grab the weapons
Let's make them run forever
Deep in your soul
You know
You're made for this
You live
To kill
5 - Abyss Of Death
When I wake up in the morning
And all pain is gone
I hope no one is by my side
I'm where i belong
Choose your paths carefully
Your future is about to come
You can't run forever
From your destiny
I can stay here forever
Facing the darkest true
If I could only remember
Perhaps I won't be alone
Should I give up and forget the fight
I never felt so alone
I just can't see the light
Am I the only one
How can this world be right
I can't understand at all.
6 - Misanthropy
I spit on your face - society
Where kids are raped by priests
And elderly are treated like shit
There's no hope for mankind
The only choice is extermination
Complete annihilation
The world will never find peace
Until these broken pieces
Of this deformed puzzle are finished
There's no time to lose
The killing shall begin now
This rotten mankind
It's completely lost
Without a cause
All the good men are gone
There is no war
Just cowards crawling on the floor
Weak mankind
Gather together to die
I see terror in your face
There's no hiding place
No future for mankind
It's time to die
The world is full of lies
The fountain is dry
No one can deny
This is the end.
7 - Flagellated Mind
For the hate or love
You won't be there anymore
And the rain will fall
Washing your and soul after all
One last goodbye to life
You had enough of fight
Once you were young
Now, the time has passed
Take the final step
Everything is all right
Don't mind about your life
It's the eternal rest
The final step at last
In your mind no fear
Because the end is near
So long was your journey
Through the ancient times
Even a god have to say goodbye
No more betrayers or tricks of life.
8 - Bloodpaint
This is the final stand
Fight men, fight under my command
You came from hell
There's nothing to lose
Fight until death
There's no truce
Death is coming
No return
Fight like a brave
Send them to the grave
Redemption will meet you
On the other side
Night after night
we waited to fight
Now it's time
to make things right
let's make the sinners
Pay with their lives
No surrender
Kill the defender
Raise some hell
No fatal wound
Will stop me
I'll be out of my shell
Ready to die
Leaving the mortal life
Fight and kill
Die with honour
This is my last breath
Enjoy life
Drinking to death
I'll see you all in hell
9 - Flash Of Memories
Now I remember everything
The bastards banned me
And made me insane.
I'll come back
And slay them all
You'll burn in hell.
I'm coming back home at last,
If you want to defeat me,
Try your best.
There's no match for me
You're as good as dead
As soon as I get back.
I wasted time
Searching for a lie,
The answer is in the sky.
So many years have passed
I'll get my revenge
At last.
Time's up
For you betrayers,
No one shall escape
I'm a god slayer
I'll end this failure.
I'm back to kill you all.
10 - The Return ( Invading The Garden )
The same mistake perpetuated
I hear the snakes
Whispering in my mind
Morality has faded
I want to fight
But an animal lives in me
This is so hot
This is so good
I wanna be inside you
What the hell is going on ?
The real life is complicated
It's hard to resist
Temptations by my side
The purity is overrated
What you do with your life
It's not my problem at all.
11 - Sweet Killing
No, no remorse
For those who have failed
Pain is not enough
I've lost my trust
You'll be crushed
Under my axe
The future is black.
I got rid of the curse,
No god shall return
To this temple of lust.
I'm the one
Eternity is mine
Alone in my throne.
12 - Last Consideration ( Vazio )
O sorriso intrépido descansa na face vazia
Vazio é o ser sem energia
Movendo-se por natureza
A única certeza é a noite após o dia
Não há razão nem alegria, a felicidade é uma regalia
Que atormenta a mente tola
De uma jarra vazia
Que não entende o significado da vida
Como é fácil esquecer a solidão, pobreza
Principalmente a tristeza
Quando se tem um meio de distração
O povo sem memória
É a escória
De uma nação
Assim a carne putrefata
Aceita contente o ceifador
Após os flagelos
Em um universo paralelo as cordas
Tocam outra sinfonia
Completa-se então a epifania.
Muito embora eu já tenha agradecido diversas vezes, devo agradecer novamente a Violeta que além de rever e sugerir também corrigiu os inúmeros erros de gramática, quem quiser pode conferir o blog dela aqui:
sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2011
The first "secret" is that, the idea for the name Crushing Axes was from this girl:
Miss Gaboooo Cotosck Vintersorga.
I had ideas such as Axegrinder, Axebanger, AxeCrusher.
So she came up with the idea: Crushing Axes.
Then I stole the idea without paying any royalties. Of course !
She also listened to the very first demos from Crushing Axes, and really helped me to get the right tone.
Thank's Gabooo ! ;)

The axe you see on the first cover "Bloodfield In Hell", belongs to this guy above.
He's a long time friend. He's also the drummer of my other band. Legacy Of Death.
[2008] Bloodfield In Hell
2 - Black Shadow
Black Shadow is actually a bike.
More info at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_Black_Shadow
4 - Natural Killer
Natural killer cells (or NK cells) are a type of cytotoxic lymphocyte that constitute a major component of the innate immune system. NK cells play a major role in the rejection of tumors and cells infected by viruses. They kill cells by releasing small cytoplasmic granules of proteins called perforin and granzyme that cause the target cell to die by apoptosis.
More info at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_killer_cell
[2009] Viking Winter
The cover for this album was made by: Rafael Coelho Vilarino.
We know each other since I was born.
We were baptized in the same day, in the same church.
I peed in the priest's face.

[2010] Legends
1- Omen
An omen (also called portent or presage) is a phenomenon that is believed to foretell the future, often signifying the advent of change. Though the word "omen" is usually devoid of reference to the change's nature, hence being possibly either "good" or "bad", the term is more often used in a foreboding sense, as with the word "ominous".
More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omen
2 - Nibelungen (Fafnir´s Blood)
Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung) is a cycle of four epic operas or (to use the composer's preferred term) 'dramas' by the German composer Richard Wagner (1813–83). The works are based loosely on characters from the Norse sagas and the Nibelungenlied. The four dramas, which the composer described as a trilogy with a Vorabend ('preliminary evening'), are often referred to as the Ring Cycle, "Wagner's Ring", or simply The Ring.
PS: I made a short version.
At 23 seconds this girl :
says:" I'm really scared", and this guy laughs : 
3 - Heimdall
Heimdallur (Old Norse Heimdallur, later Heimdallur) is one of the æsir (gods) in Norse mythology, in the Edda called the "white god" (hvítastr ása "whitest of the aesir Sæm 72ª; hvíta ás "white as" Sn. 104).
Genesis 1:9-13 — God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." and there was morning—the third day.( I'm not a Christian ).
The same girl from "I'm really scared" says : "Eu não uso drogas" in english would sound like : "I don't take drugs". at 3:03.
At 3:10 this guy :
. Says: "Porra, a palavra é". In english would sound like: "Fuck, the word is..."
At 5:25 the same guy from the laugh above. Says: "Tava no Rock". in english would sound like: "We were listening to Rock And Roll".
He was listening to some music. And the neighbor called the cops.
More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heimdall
4 - Nilfheim
Niflheimr or Niflheim ("Mist Home", the "Abode of Mist" or "Mist World"); Nifl[1] being cognate with the Old English Nifol ("dark")[2] and German nebel fog) is one of the Nine Worlds and is a location in Norse mythology which overlaps with the notions of Niflhel and Hel. The name Niflheimr only appears in two extant sources and they are Gylfaginning and the much debated Hrafnagaldr Óðins.
According to Gylfaginning, it was one of the two primordial realms, the other one being Muspelheim, the realm of fire. Between these two realms of cold and heat, creation began. Later, it became the location of Hel, the abode of those who did not die a heroic death.
More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niflheim
5 - Blót
The blót (Old Norse plural same as singular) refers to Norse pagan sacrifice to the Norse gods and the spirits of the land. The sacrifice often took the form of a sacramental meal or feast. Related religious practices were performed by other Germanic peoples, such as the pagan Anglo-Saxons. The blót element of horse sacrifice is found throughout Indo-European traditions, including the Vedic Indian, Celtic, and Latin traditions.
More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bl%C3%B3t
6 - Witan
The Witan (Old English witenagemot, moot or meeting) was the term used to describe the council summoned by Anglo-Saxon kings.
7 - KriegerVerein
A warrior society (for example, warriors and soldiers 'club, veterans' and soldiers 'club, comrades and reservists Club, Warrior, reservists and soldiers' Association) is dedicated as the War Graves Commission, the care of war-bereaved and war victims, the establishment and maintenance of war memorials and memorials as well as support of the reservists.
The Second Schleswig War (Danish: 2. Slesvigske Krig; German: Deutsch-Dänischer Krieg[3]) was the second military conflict as a result of the Schleswig-Holstein Question. It began on 1 February 1864, when Prussian forces crossed the border into Schleswig.
Denmark fought Prussia and Austria. Like the First Schleswig War (1848–51), it was fought for control of the duchies because of succession disputes concerning the duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg when the Danish king died without an heir acceptable to the German Confederation. Decisive controversy arose due to the passing of the November Constitution, which integrated the Duchy of Schleswig into the Danish kingdom in violation of the London Protocol.
Reasons for the war were the ethnic controversy in Schleswig and the co-existence of conflicting political systems within the Danish unitary state.
The war ended on 30 October 1864, when the Treaty of Vienna caused Denmark's cession of the Duchies of Schleswig, Holstein, and Saxe-Lauenburg to Prussia and Austria. It was the last victorious conflict of the Austrian Empire/Austria-Hungary in its history.
More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Schleswig_War
8 - Minnenburg
Have two versions a censored and a uncensored version.
9 - Lohengrin
Lohengrin is a romantic opera in three acts composed and written by Richard Wagner, first performed in 1850. The story of the eponymous character is taken from medieval German romance, notably the Parzival of Wolfram von Eschenbach and its sequel, Lohengrin, written by a different author, itself inspired by the epic of Garin le Loherain. It is part of the Knight of the Swan tradition.
The opera has proved inspirational towards other works of art. Among those deeply moved by the fairy-tale opera was the young King Ludwig II of Bavaria. 'Der Märchenkönig' ('The Fairy-tale King') as he was dubbed later built his ideal fairy-tale castle and dubbed it "New Swan Stone," or "Neuschwanstein", after the Swan Knight. It was King Ludwig's patronage that later gave Wagner the means and opportunity to build a theatre for, compose and stage his epic cycle, the Ring of the Nibelung.
The most popular and recognizable part of the opera is the Bridal Chorus known better as "Here Comes the Bride", played at weddings in the West.
As usual, more at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lohengrin_%28opera%29
10 - Urthel
Trial by ordeal is a judicial practice by which the guilt or innocence of the accused is determined by subjecting them to an unpleasant, usually dangerous experience. In some cases, the accused was considered innocent if they survived the test, or if their injuries healed; in others, only death was considered proof of innocence. (If the accused died, they were often presumed to have gone to a suitable reward or punishment in the afterlife, which was considered to make trial by ordeal entirely fair.)
In medieval Europe, the trial by combat, trial by ordeal was considered a judicium Dei: a procedure based on the premise that God would help the innocent by performing a miracle on their behalf. The practice has much earlier roots however, being attested as far back as the Code of Hammurabi and the Code of Ur-Nammu, and also in animist tribal societies, such as the trial by ingestion of "red water" (calabar bean) in Sierra Leone, where the intended effect is magical rather than invocation of a deity's justice.
In pre-modern society, the ordeal typically ranked along with the oath and witness accounts as the central means by which to reach a judicial verdict. Indeed, the term ordeal itself, Old English ordǣl, has the meaning of "judgment, verdict" (German Urteil, Dutch oordeel), from Proto-Germanic *uzdailjam "that which is dealt out".
According to one theory, put forward by Peter Leeson, trial by ordeal was surprisingly effective at sorting the guilty from the innocent.[1] Because defendants were believers, only the truly innocent would choose to endure a trial; guilty defendants would confess or settle cases instead. Therefore, the theory goes, church and judicial authorities would routinely rig ordeals so that the participants—presumably innocent—could pass them. If this theory is correct, medieval superstition was actually a useful motivating force for justice.[2]
Priestly cooperation in trials by fire and water was forbidden by Pope Innocent III at the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215, and replaced by compurgation.[3] Trials by ordeal became rarer over the Late Middle Ages, often replaced by confessions extracted under torture, but the practice was discontinued only in the 16th century. Johannes Hartlieb in 1456 reports a popular superstition of how to identify a thief by an ordeal by ingestion practised privately without judicial sanction.
More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_by_ordeal

I had ideas such as Axegrinder, Axebanger, AxeCrusher.
So she came up with the idea: Crushing Axes.
Then I stole the idea without paying any royalties. Of course !
She also listened to the very first demos from Crushing Axes, and really helped me to get the right tone.
Thank's Gabooo ! ;)

The axe you see on the first cover "Bloodfield In Hell", belongs to this guy above.
He's a long time friend. He's also the drummer of my other band. Legacy Of Death.
[2008] Bloodfield In Hell
2 - Black Shadow
Black Shadow is actually a bike.

More info at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_Black_Shadow
4 - Natural Killer

More info at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_killer_cell
[2009] Viking Winter
The cover for this album was made by: Rafael Coelho Vilarino.
We know each other since I was born.
We were baptized in the same day, in the same church.
I peed in the priest's face.

[2010] Legends
1- Omen
An omen (also called portent or presage) is a phenomenon that is believed to foretell the future, often signifying the advent of change. Though the word "omen" is usually devoid of reference to the change's nature, hence being possibly either "good" or "bad", the term is more often used in a foreboding sense, as with the word "ominous".
More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omen
2 - Nibelungen (Fafnir´s Blood)
Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung) is a cycle of four epic operas or (to use the composer's preferred term) 'dramas' by the German composer Richard Wagner (1813–83). The works are based loosely on characters from the Norse sagas and the Nibelungenlied. The four dramas, which the composer described as a trilogy with a Vorabend ('preliminary evening'), are often referred to as the Ring Cycle, "Wagner's Ring", or simply The Ring.
PS: I made a short version.
At 23 seconds this girl :


3 - Heimdall
Heimdallur (Old Norse Heimdallur, later Heimdallur) is one of the æsir (gods) in Norse mythology, in the Edda called the "white god" (hvítastr ása "whitest of the aesir Sæm 72ª; hvíta ás "white as" Sn. 104).
Genesis 1:9-13 — God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." and there was morning—the third day.( I'm not a Christian ).
The same girl from "I'm really scared" says : "Eu não uso drogas" in english would sound like : "I don't take drugs". at 3:03.
At 3:10 this guy :

At 5:25 the same guy from the laugh above. Says: "Tava no Rock". in english would sound like: "We were listening to Rock And Roll".
He was listening to some music. And the neighbor called the cops.
More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heimdall
4 - Nilfheim
Niflheimr or Niflheim ("Mist Home", the "Abode of Mist" or "Mist World"); Nifl[1] being cognate with the Old English Nifol ("dark")[2] and German nebel fog) is one of the Nine Worlds and is a location in Norse mythology which overlaps with the notions of Niflhel and Hel. The name Niflheimr only appears in two extant sources and they are Gylfaginning and the much debated Hrafnagaldr Óðins.
According to Gylfaginning, it was one of the two primordial realms, the other one being Muspelheim, the realm of fire. Between these two realms of cold and heat, creation began. Later, it became the location of Hel, the abode of those who did not die a heroic death.
More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niflheim
5 - Blót
The blót (Old Norse plural same as singular) refers to Norse pagan sacrifice to the Norse gods and the spirits of the land. The sacrifice often took the form of a sacramental meal or feast. Related religious practices were performed by other Germanic peoples, such as the pagan Anglo-Saxons. The blót element of horse sacrifice is found throughout Indo-European traditions, including the Vedic Indian, Celtic, and Latin traditions.
More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bl%C3%B3t
6 - Witan
The Witan (Old English witenagemot, moot or meeting) was the term used to describe the council summoned by Anglo-Saxon kings.
7 - KriegerVerein
A warrior society (for example, warriors and soldiers 'club, veterans' and soldiers 'club, comrades and reservists Club, Warrior, reservists and soldiers' Association) is dedicated as the War Graves Commission, the care of war-bereaved and war victims, the establishment and maintenance of war memorials and memorials as well as support of the reservists.
The Second Schleswig War (Danish: 2. Slesvigske Krig; German: Deutsch-Dänischer Krieg[3]) was the second military conflict as a result of the Schleswig-Holstein Question. It began on 1 February 1864, when Prussian forces crossed the border into Schleswig.
Denmark fought Prussia and Austria. Like the First Schleswig War (1848–51), it was fought for control of the duchies because of succession disputes concerning the duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg when the Danish king died without an heir acceptable to the German Confederation. Decisive controversy arose due to the passing of the November Constitution, which integrated the Duchy of Schleswig into the Danish kingdom in violation of the London Protocol.
Reasons for the war were the ethnic controversy in Schleswig and the co-existence of conflicting political systems within the Danish unitary state.
The war ended on 30 October 1864, when the Treaty of Vienna caused Denmark's cession of the Duchies of Schleswig, Holstein, and Saxe-Lauenburg to Prussia and Austria. It was the last victorious conflict of the Austrian Empire/Austria-Hungary in its history.
More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Schleswig_War
8 - Minnenburg
Have two versions a censored and a uncensored version.
9 - Lohengrin
Lohengrin is a romantic opera in three acts composed and written by Richard Wagner, first performed in 1850. The story of the eponymous character is taken from medieval German romance, notably the Parzival of Wolfram von Eschenbach and its sequel, Lohengrin, written by a different author, itself inspired by the epic of Garin le Loherain. It is part of the Knight of the Swan tradition.
The opera has proved inspirational towards other works of art. Among those deeply moved by the fairy-tale opera was the young King Ludwig II of Bavaria. 'Der Märchenkönig' ('The Fairy-tale King') as he was dubbed later built his ideal fairy-tale castle and dubbed it "New Swan Stone," or "Neuschwanstein", after the Swan Knight. It was King Ludwig's patronage that later gave Wagner the means and opportunity to build a theatre for, compose and stage his epic cycle, the Ring of the Nibelung.
The most popular and recognizable part of the opera is the Bridal Chorus known better as "Here Comes the Bride", played at weddings in the West.
As usual, more at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lohengrin_%28opera%29
10 - Urthel
Trial by ordeal is a judicial practice by which the guilt or innocence of the accused is determined by subjecting them to an unpleasant, usually dangerous experience. In some cases, the accused was considered innocent if they survived the test, or if their injuries healed; in others, only death was considered proof of innocence. (If the accused died, they were often presumed to have gone to a suitable reward or punishment in the afterlife, which was considered to make trial by ordeal entirely fair.)
In medieval Europe, the trial by combat, trial by ordeal was considered a judicium Dei: a procedure based on the premise that God would help the innocent by performing a miracle on their behalf. The practice has much earlier roots however, being attested as far back as the Code of Hammurabi and the Code of Ur-Nammu, and also in animist tribal societies, such as the trial by ingestion of "red water" (calabar bean) in Sierra Leone, where the intended effect is magical rather than invocation of a deity's justice.
In pre-modern society, the ordeal typically ranked along with the oath and witness accounts as the central means by which to reach a judicial verdict. Indeed, the term ordeal itself, Old English ordǣl, has the meaning of "judgment, verdict" (German Urteil, Dutch oordeel), from Proto-Germanic *uzdailjam "that which is dealt out".
According to one theory, put forward by Peter Leeson, trial by ordeal was surprisingly effective at sorting the guilty from the innocent.[1] Because defendants were believers, only the truly innocent would choose to endure a trial; guilty defendants would confess or settle cases instead. Therefore, the theory goes, church and judicial authorities would routinely rig ordeals so that the participants—presumably innocent—could pass them. If this theory is correct, medieval superstition was actually a useful motivating force for justice.[2]
Priestly cooperation in trials by fire and water was forbidden by Pope Innocent III at the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215, and replaced by compurgation.[3] Trials by ordeal became rarer over the Late Middle Ages, often replaced by confessions extracted under torture, but the practice was discontinued only in the 16th century. Johannes Hartlieb in 1456 reports a popular superstition of how to identify a thief by an ordeal by ingestion practised privately without judicial sanction.
More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_by_ordeal
quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2011
Jéssica Araújo
Aproveitando o momento agradecimento, gostaria de dedicar mais um post, dessa vez à Jéssica Araújo.
Realizou uma participação lindíssima em Flagellated Mind do álbum Ascension Of Ules, matou em 3 takes uma música que muitos cantores experientes demorariam semanas, isso sem contar os que sequer teriam coragem de tentar.
Simpática, inteligente e dona de uma linda voz, Jéssica trouxe para o álbum Ascension Of Ules sua personalidade, o brilho que faltava.Obrigado ! ;)
Apesar do Crushing Axes ser uma One-Man-Band, tenho diversos amigos que colaboram constantemente, entre artes gráficas, letras, correções e opiniões.
O Crushing Axes é provavelmente menos One-Man-Band do que diversas bandas com 4 ou 5 integrantes onde somente um cara manda.
Então gostaría de dedicar um post especial a essa garota : Violeta.
Me ajudou muito, desde correções das letras, até selecionar os melhores títulos.Muito obrigado ! ;)
Segue o blog dela:
terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2011
sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2011
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